Showing 217–228 of 257 results
100% fresh sourced from India.
Resveratrol is a key nutrient in grapes that may offer health benefits.
Grapes are a good source of fiber, potassium, and a range of vitamins and other minerals.
100% fresh sourced from iran
Kiwis have lots of flavor and health benefits. Full of nutrients like vitamin C, vitamin K, vitamin E. Kiwis are low in calories but high in energy, making them a great option for people trying to lose weight.
Iceberg lettuce is an excellent source of potassium and manganese. It also contains significant amounts of iron, calcium, magnesium, and phosphorus, as well as small traces of sodium, copper, and zinc. This lettuce is rich in vitamin A, K, C, thiamin, vitamin B6, and folate (vitamin B9).
Limes contain antioxidants, which have been shown to help reduce inflammation and even help prevent certain chronic illnesses. The high levels of Vitamin C found in limes can help protect you from infection and speed up your body’s healing process. Citrus fruits have been shown to help keep kidney stones at bay.
100% fresh sourced from Egypt.
This citrus fruit contains Vitamins A, B, and a high level of Vitamin C has multiple health benefits, from reducing the risk of cancer to weight loss. They also contain dietary fiber and nutrients and minerals such as potassium and manganese
100% fresh sourced from Spain.
Benefits: Mandarins contains Vitamins A, B, and a high level of Vitamin C, a powerful antioxidant that neutralizes free radicals, prevents infections, cramps, and vomiting, and is great for the health of your skin. Oranges are also richer in vitamin C, vitamins B1, B2 and B5, whereas mandarins contain higher concentrations of vitamin A, vitamin E, vitamin B3 and vitamin B6.