Improves immunity. Several studies show that garlic may help decrease inflammation and boost immune function, which may be due to its content of antioxidants and sulfur-containing compounds like allicin ( 4 , 5 ).
Parsley works as a powerful natural diuretic and can help reduce bloating and blood pressure. Parsley is loaded with vitamin K, which has been linked to bone health. The vitamin supports bone growth and bone mineral density. One study on parsley found that it helped protect against osteoporosis in rats.
Iceberg lettuce is an excellent source of potassium and manganese. It also contains significant amounts of iron, calcium, magnesium, and phosphorus, as well as small traces of sodium, copper, and zinc. This lettuce is rich in vitamin A, K, C, thiamin, vitamin B6, and folate (vitamin B9).
Radishes are rich in antioxidants and minerals like calcium and potassium. Together, these nutrients help lower high blood pressure and reduce your risks for heart disease. The radish is also a good source of natural nitrates that improve blood flow.
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