When can I cancel an online order?
If you have any issues with the order, we are always here to assist you and help you resolve it. However if for any reason, you wish to cancel an online order, you can only do so before the order leaves for delivery (according to your timeslot) and only then you will get a full refund of the order. If you cancel while the order is on your way to be delivered or at the time of delivery, then you will be charged with AED 50 penalty.
How do I cancel an online order?
Get in contact with our customer service representative at MAZAARENA or by email customercare@mazaarena.com or by WhatsApp at +971 561893091.
If I’ve been waiting too long for delivery, can I cancel it?
It can be frustrating waiting for a delivery to arrive, especially if it’s taking longer than expected. We strive to deliver within the time frame promised but please get in contact with us if your order didn’t leave the warehouse then you can cancel your order and get a refund.